Bernadette Sanders is the Owner of the lifestyle drink brand ‘Inside Out Drinks’, a cranberry flavoured plant and berry based drink full of antioxidants. Inside Out Drink looks after the inside so you can feel great on the outside. We had the opportunity of chatting to her to learn more about her entrepreneurial journey as well as her innovative lifestyle drink brand.
What led you to come up with this innovative drink brand?

Inside Out is a pretox drink that was initially made by me at home. After retiring from the Motor Industry as a Corporate Sales Manager I decided to use my time to further develop the drink. Having watched many people getting ready and preparing for a night out, the name was born. Inside Out Drinks is a pretox drink made with natural ingredients including milk thistle, goji berries, cranberries and hibiscus created to prevent those dreaded hangovers.
I took advice from the British Soft Drinks Association and manufactured a small run to see if there was a market for it. We launched during lockdown and quickly sold out. We now manufacture in cans.
Can you tell us more about Inside Out and what type of drink it is?

Inside Out is a cranberry flavoured, plant and berry based drink that contains lots of antioxidants that are bespoke to look after your Liver. The Drink is 24 Calories, Glutten, Vegan friendly and no added sugar. Our drink has been rigorously tested and hundreds of independent customers have confirmed they feel dramatically better the next day.
We all know our bodies need to be looked after and when we have a heavy night we often try to detox the next day but its too late. This drink will not only prepare your body but it is also a healthy drink containing copious amounts of nutrients and vitamins to boost your liver and well being.
What does being a female entrepreneur mean to you?
I did not set out to become an entrepreneur, I genuinely believed in the product and wanted to share it. The month I was due to launch officially at the NOPE show in London, Lockdown hit…. If I’m honest I was lost. After a few weeks my Son & Daughter (in their 20’s ) gave me a PEP talk and said you can’t fall at the first hurdle – find a way. They helped me create Instagram, Facebook etc.. and while we went in a different direction the brand found success.
What challenges or obstacles have you faced as a result of being an entrepreneur?
Having had a successful career in the Motor Industry at a time when women were overlooked I was prepared. However, if you know your product, believe in your product people will listen.
What has been your success story so far?
The highlight for me was actually ‘selling’ Inside Out, repeat orders and the day to day positive feedback.
What tips or advice would you give to any female considering becoming an entrepreneur?
During Lockdown I attended a Webinar with Alex Chisnall, again recommended by the BSDA. Alex has an Entrepreneur pod cast called ‘ SCREW IT JUST DO IT’. I believe we only regret the things we didn’t do, not those that we did.
To shop and learn more about Inside Out head over to their website at or their social media at insideoutdrinks
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