Siobhan Miller launched The Positive Birthing Company, which empowers pregnant women and birthing people across the globe, as they embark on the most exciting journey of their lives – parenthood. We had the opportunity to feature Siobhan and share how she overcame her own difficult birth experience and her appearance on the recent series of BBC’s Dragons’ Den where the mum of three landed an investment for her business.
It was after experiencing a traumatic birth with her first son in 2007 that Siobhan was encouraged to learn about hypnobirthing, which resulted in her having a positive, empowering and healing birth experience with her second son. Siobhan started teaching hypnobirthing in 2016 created a unique hypnobirthing framework for a digital course, bringing a new product to market in the antenatal and postnatal education space.

Utilising existing online platforms and creating innovative digital products, Siobhan has been able to revolutionise the antenatal education industry and make it more accessible for women and birthing people. Today, through online courses (Digital Hypnobirthing Pack, Postpartum Pack and the TTC Pack), in-person sessions, the Freya virtual birth partner app, Siobhan’s best-selling book and free social media resources, PBC has reached more than 30 million people across the globe.

Siobhan’s appearance on the BBC’s Dragon’s Den

The speed at which Siobhan’s business has grown and the company’s high valuation stood out to Dragons’ Touker and Tej, who offered a combined deal to help PBC expand as a global brand.
Touker and Tej both made a bid to invest, eventually joining forces on an offer of the full amount asked of £136,000, for a 10% equity in her business. Siobhan, who was featured on the 35 under 35 Management Today List last year, captured the Dragons’ attention as she described how she turned her idea into a multi-million pound business in just four years.
Siobhan reflecting on her Dragons’ Den experience explains, “It feels so surreal. I’m still pinching myself! I can’t believe so many of the Dragons wanted to get onboard and join The Positive Birth Company. It’s hugely flattering and validating! I was very nervous beforehand, worried about the Dragons being mean – they have a super tough reputation (!). But they were all so lovely, encouraging and complimentary, and that was the most surprising thing!
My mission since day one has been to make antenatal education and support more accessible because I passionately believe everyone deserves equal access to the knowledge, tools and support necessary for the best birth possible. Access to education shouldn’t come down to a postcode lottery or how much money you have in the bank, but rather the opportunity for a positive and safe birth experience should be an opportunity that everyone has.
I’m so grateful for the opportunity of going into the Den and being able to share what we do here at The Positive Birth Company. I’m hopeful that with the Dragons help, we will be able to reach even more people and make a positive difference to the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of families around the globe.”
For further information visit The Positive Birth Company
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