Emily started her business Belle Arabesque selling hair accessories following her GCSE textile project. We had this great opportunity of finding out more about her herself, her business as well as with future plans for both her business and education.
How did the name and idea of Belle Arabesque come about?

After I enjoyed creating an embroidered picture in my GCSE textiles project last year my mum suggested creating similar canvases, which is where it began. The name Belle Arabesque was inspired by my original GCSE project picture of the ballerina in an arabesque pose. Some lovely friends helped me to create the name and logo.
What led you to setup your own business?

I made a canvas for a friend and also some hair accessories for myself. The hair accessories I thought would nicely compliment the canvases and the initial feedback I received was positive.
What’s your main product line?

I create handmade canvases, however my hair accessories are a very popular choice, especially bun wraps.
Where do you source your products or they are all handmade?
All of my hair accessories and canvases are all thoughtfully handmade by myself.
Where do you sell your products and who do you sell to mostly?
Most of our beautiful customers are lovely young dancers like myself. I sell my products through my fairly new website and also Instagram.
What has been your success story so far with your business?

The surprise in how much my small business has grown in 6 months, and the lovely support I have received.
What challenges have you faced starting your business?
Creating and establishing the business in the beginning. Also balancing the hours between school/college, dance classes and working on the business.
Where do you see your business in five years from now?
Hopefully I will be away at dance college and I aim to take Belle Arabesque with me, and keep doing the work I love.
What has been your motivation?
Seeing all of my lovely customers with their products, matching and complimenting their outfits. I love to make a wide variety of styles so that there is something for everyone.
Any advise or tips to any young females out there thinking about starting their own business?
If you have a passion don’t give up and you will most likely be surprised where it will take you.
To purchase any of her hair accessories and more head over to https://www.bellearabesque.uk/ or her social media pages https://www.facebook.com/bellearabesque and @belle_arabesque